Our Business
MOX Fuel Fabrication

"MOX Fuel", Plutonium Utilization for light water reactors

      It has been verified that there is no significant differences in characteristics between MOX fuel and Uranium fuel and that the safety of reactors can be ensured with MOX fuel as well as with Uranium fuel on the basis of the experience and various data obtained. Existing light water reactors for power generating facilities can be utilized in their current status by replacing part of the uranium fuel in the reactors with MOX fuel.
      Since "plutonium" is used for "thermal reactors (light water reactors in general)", this scheme is called a "plutonium-Thermal" project in Japan.
      According to the current plan, Japanese electric power companies will be implementing Plutonium-Thermal utilization with 16 to 18 of the nuclear reactors operating in Japan.

      Responding to a request of The Federation of Electric Power Companies, since December 1998, we have been conducting domestic and international technological studies regarding the MOX fuel fabrication technology. Simultaneously, we have also been investigating safety measures and facility plans.
      In April 2005, we concluded "The Basic Cooperation Agreement for the Location of MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant" with Aomori prefecture and Rokkasho village, and a license application for MOX fuel fabrication business was submitted to the government authorities. Safety assessment is now in progress.

      The following is the outline of the planned MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant.


Product MOX fuel assembly for domestic light-water reactors (BWR and PWR)
Maximum fabrication capacity 130t-HM*/year
Size of main building approx.85m x 85m, 2 above-ground levels and 3 underground levels
Number of operating employees Nearly 300
Completion June, 2015
Construction cost approx. ¥190 billion
*"t-HM" stands for "tons of heavy metal" which indicates the weight of plutonium and uranium metallic content in MOX.

MOX fuel Fabrication Processes 

Safety measures at the MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant

  At the MOX fuel Fabrication Plant, where safety will be given top priority, rigorous critical safety controls will be implemented. For instance, the dry process will be adopted for the production process from MOX powder to fuel assembly. Other major measures to assure safety are as follows:

  • "Mass control" to keep nuclear fuel substances within the specified level
  • "Shape/dimension control" to keep the containers for MOX fuel in the specified shape and dimensions
  • "Neutron absorbent control" to remove fissionable neutrons by the use of boron, which absorbs neutrons
These measures will be appropriately combined to realize the highest possible safety level. In addition, we will introduce the same safety measures as those already implemented in other businesses.