JNFL has issued an Expressions of Interest (EOI) to the GNEP Program of DOE.
(September 8, 2006)
On September 8, JNFL has issued an EOI (Expressions of Interest), together with Japan Atomic Energy Agency and our associated Makers, expressing our interest in response to the solicitation for a proposal for the prompt launching of the GNEP *(Global Nuclear Energy Partnership) Program issued by the United States Department of Energy (DOE), and addressed to the world industrial community
From the viewpoint of further accelerating this significant GNEP Program, this August, DOE has extensively solicited from the industry, practical proposals utilizing the existing technology for the two following facilities:
(1)Consolidated Fuel Treatment Center (CFTC)
(2)Advanced Burner Reactor (ABR)
JNFL is expressing interest in CFTC from the viewpoint of the international and social contribution, and with the purpose of placing the operational experience and the know-how from our own reprocessing plant at the disposal of the project oriented toward the securing energy supply on an international basis. From now on, we understand that the selection work by DOE will be carried out, and upon full coordination and preparation, the concrete project will commence.
*GNEP(Global Nuclear Energy Partnership):
GNEP was announced by DOE in February of this year, as a part of the energy policy of President Bush. It is a global plan, with the following objectives:
- Improving of the environment
- Recycling nuclear fuel to recover energy and reducing waste
- Encouraging prosperity and clean development worldwide
- Integrating latest technology for advanced safeguards for further reducing risk of nuclear proliferation