Start of the Cascade Test at the Uranium Enrichment Plant
(April 2, 2007)
Today (April 2nd), we have been performing Cascade Test, which will be the final step of the development of advanced centrifuge system.
Our uranium enrichment program is limited only to peaceful use. This fact is confirmed by IAEA inspection performed more than 20 times a year.
Also we have strictly implemented regulatory requirements of the Japanese government on both safeguards and physical protection.
We are aiming to start the production of enriched uranium using the advanced centrifuge system, in 2010.
Note: Cascade
Since a single centrifuge machine can only increase the enrichment by a slight degree, the process must be repeated by series of centrifuges to attain the level of enrichment required for the fuel used in light water reactors.
A series of centrifuges, which is called "Cascade", satisfies to produce the necessary level of enrichment.