June 27 1997
Press Release Concerning the Second 1997 Shipment and Intake of Natural Uranium to the Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant in Rokkasho-Mura

Tokyo Electric Company
Chugoku Electric Company
Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited

The second 1997 shipment and intake of natural uranium to the Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant is scheduled to take place on 1 July 1997.
Natural uranium imported from abroad and owned by Tokyo Electric Company and Chugoku Electric Company will be unloaded from a container shipハand transshipped to overland vehicles (15 trailers) at Tokyo's Ohi wharf. The vehicles will leave Ohi wharf on the morning of July 1, and after traveling by way of the Tohoku Expresseway and Hachinohe Turnpike will arrive at the Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant in the afternoon of the same day. A total of 188 tons of UF6 stored in 48Y-type cylinders will be transported.

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