Our Business
Operational Progress
(As of end of December 31, 2009)

Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited has continued to promote its nuclear fuel cycle operations steadily.

Uranium Enrichment Division  
      76tons of UF6 of enriched uranium were produced in the current fiscal year.
      In order to develop higher performance centrifuges, we have been carrying out various tests and assessment of new centrifuges since 2000, which will be launched in 2010.
Uranium Enrichment
Reprocessing Division  
      Currently, the reprocessing plant is in the stage of "Final Commissioning-Test" and planned to complete its construction in October 2010. Construction Schedule of Reprocessing Plant
      Meanwhile, we received 191tons of spent fuel in the current fiscal year, and 3,117tons of spent fuel in total are stored up now. Spent Fuel Receiving and Storage
Vitrified Waste Storage Division  
      1,310 canisters from France has been received.
     Additional storage facility is now under construction.
Vitrified Waste Storage
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Division  
      6,272 waste packages were received during the current fiscal year, up to now total of 217,123 drums has been disposed.
      Also, we are planning to construct the sub-surface disposal of the relatively higher level LLW. Geological investigations were completed in March 2006.
LLW Disposal
MOX Fuel Fabrication Division
      On April 20, 2005, a license application for MOX fuel fabrication business was submitted to the government. Currently, safety assessment is in progress.