Before the construction of Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant,
almost all Japan's spent fuel has been reprocessed in France and the United
Kingdom. Since the generated wastes has to be shipped back to Japan, we have
constructed "Vitrified Waste Storage Center" within our site for cooling and
temporary storage before the final disposal. Acceptance of these casks is
conducted with special care and caution; after rigorous inspection based on
strict safety standards, the casks are placed in the storage building. The
storage and inspection areas are surrounded by reinforced concrete walls 1.5 to
2m thick to prevent radioactivity from escaping. Currently, the center has a
storage capacity of 1,440 canisters. The facility will ultimately be expanded to
accommodate 2,880 canisters of vitrified waste. |
A cask in the temporary storgearea |
A cask being sent to the temporary cask storage area |
Storage pits |
Remote-controlled vitrified waste inspection |
Central control room |
Vitrified waste transportation When
vitrified wastes are transported from overseas, a ship with proven safety, which
is specially designed to transport vitrified waste, is used. The ship is
equipped with ample safety measures, including double-hull construction in case
of collision, fire prevention equipment, and a collision prevention
system. |
Unloaded from the ship by a large crane, casks are
transported by special vehicles on an JNFL's private road directly linking the
port to the Vitrified Waste Storage Center. |